Afk9 Academy

African Canine Academy and detection services was developed to be a new beginning to a Safe and Secure Africa, through training personnel’s that can be employed by security outfits, Private sector, become self employed or gain entry into private security industry worldwide by attending to our diverse instructor’s courses from across the world. Our mode of student learning is online and hands on reaching millions of interested students today.

Our global reach

Geeks is the leading global marketplace for teaching and learning, connecting millions of students to the skills they need to succeed.








Course enrollments

Our core values

Our core values are the fundamental beliefs of a person or organization geeks academy. We help people understand the difference between right and wrong.

Make Education Accessible

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Learn and Grow

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Make Education Accessible

Quis cursus turpis in habitant sagittis amet dolor malesuada ut. Volutpat nunc id blanvolutpat nunc.