Specialized Services



The purpose of this lesson is to cover the many special services available to the investigator, although each subject could be considered a lesson in itself. Such things as the polygraph, handwriting, arson and ballistics are such specialized professions that people spend their whole lives developing their techniques and skills in a single area and can be considered expert witnesses on that one subject.

The degree of specialization and the time involved in developing these techniques is such that it must be considered outside the realm of the professional investigator to have such qualifications. Therefore, the investigator must consider these areas as
specialties and try on the use of such persons to develop their knowledge as to how they would choose an expert witness.

This lesson will familiarize you with these various services and the importance of them. There are experts in each area and their services and their services may be used in putting together a successful plan in fulfilling your client’s investigative needs. Find out who they are in our neighborhood and include them in your source file.


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